It’s Just a Mistake: Don’t Punish Yourself

A mistake is just a mistake. That’s it.

So, when you make a mistake—which is the worst for you:

Having to admit to the mistake? The guilt, shame, and/or embarrassment you feel about yourself for the mistake?

Taking time to redo what went wrong as a result of the mistake? Your worry about how others will perceive you for making the mistake?

Or,  all of the above?

I was perpetually afraid of making the point that I erred on the side of perfection. Do you know where that got me? This idea of being or doing things “perfectly” led to me working so hard to avoid the 1,001 potential pitfalls and mistakes I could make in a given day that I really never felt like I did much of anything right. At least not in my mind. To make matters worse, I worked so hard to make sure everything I did was so “perfect” that my managers didn’t know if/when I needed help. They then began to expect that level and quality of productivity from me to the extent that when I did encounter challenges I had waited too long to seek advice and the problem was often even bigger than it ever needed to be. This then led me to be even harder on myself to the point that I doubted my every decision. Overtime, perhaps my managers recognized the need to step in and/or had their own saboteurs working against them and before I knew it I was being micromanaged and believed I couldn’t make my own decisions for fear of the big F word: Failure.

It doesn’t have to be this way, and while a scenario like this can take years and decades to build up--like soap scum that’s never cleaned off of the shower door, it can be cleaned up and even stopped with a strong, sturdy solution...a solution that’s applied everyday with a little TLC and some dedicated frequency.

In this case, it’s installation of the PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient) operating system.

What is a PQ operating system? I’m glad you asked.

At its most basic core, it’s the quick, 10-second approach (PQ reps..., or the tiny bit of solution applied with a little TLC) you can learn to use anytime you feel negativity. The negativity (guilt, shame, frustration, embarrassment…) is your cue to STOP. If you are feeling any of these negative emotions, you are in Saboteur mode and a negative mindset.

Focus on doing PQ reps in order to let your brain reset and allow for a positive response that motivates you through empathy, curiosity, passion, and creativity.

This is a purposeful pivot that does not come automatically, but through practice can be strengthened (like a muscle) and easily accessible when you need it.

To find out how you can install the PQ operating system, schedule a short call with me. I’m also hosting a PQ demo through my Relax Break series starting Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 10:30 AM PT/1:30 PM ET.

If you are in the mode of punishing yourself over mistakes you have made--recently or in the past--remember that mistakes happen AND we can learn something from them. That’s the exciting gift and PQ offers an even greater opportunity!

Amy Koski