What Role Are You Playing at Work?

I get it. Work is hard. Life is hard. And a lot of the time it can feel like life is not fair. But I have a  pointed question for you… Are you playing Victim at work?

I know, tough question--even tougher if even just a small fraction of it rings a little bit true for you. 

First, I encourage you to be honest with yourself. Listen to that feeling you might have just felt as you read the question, and answer it honestly. Are you playing Victim at work, or in life in general?

As hard as it is to admit, I come at this from first-hand experience. I left my job, my career of more than 10 years, behind three years ago and I am just now coming to terms with how my Victim Saboteur played a significant role in the wounds that built up over time, in my heart and mind, that left me with what I felt was my only best decision—to walk away.

Now, let me first preface this with the fact that I believe, today and every day since my last official day at that job, that my decision to “walk away” has been one of the most impactful and life-changing decisions in my life! Sure, it has come with some costs, but also many rewards—one being that I can now look at myself, acknowledge my mistakes, and truly learn from them rather than beating myself up constantly.

What if you were able to look at past mistakes as growth opportunities? As gifts? How would that feel?

While my ability to do so didn’t happen overnight, my growth and learning with this first started by implementing a daily meditation practice. It helped me overcome much of the anxiety I had felt for most of my life. I then realized my creativity slowly started to flow more freely and helped me think differently. But that still wasn’t enough to keep me from beating myself up over the littlest things that went wrong...

Fast forward to 2020 and I was lucky enough to be introduced to PQ reps. PQ stands for Positive Intelligence Quotient and measures of the strength of the mind. Even better, it measures whether your mind is serving you as your friend or dis-serving you as your enemy.

I will tell you, after years of work on myself, my mind was still dis-serving me as my enemy.

Within weeks of implementing the simple techniques of PQ however, I learned ways to calm my negative thoughts and mind chatter--my Saboteurs, in a matter of seconds. If you are curious what Saboteurs might be getting in your way, I invite you to take the Saboteur Assessment and then let me know what you found out.

Today, I am sharing this with family and friends--anyone who is willing and open to listen. It has changed my life (and many of theirs), made me a better mom, a better business woman, and most of all, a better friend to myself. I am no longer operating from a Victim mentality but from the ease and flow of my positive mind.

If you are interested in learning more about PQ, please let me know. I offer a six-week Mental Fitness Group Program. Schedule a short call to learn more.

Amy KoskiSortera